Hi, I'm Jill.

As a teenager, shopping, putting outfits together and rearranging my closet were the things I loved to do. I would go with my mom and sisters shopping and pick out clothing for them and create different combinations in their closets. I was constantly finding ways to alter things to suit my figure if I could not find the right fit for my shape. My dad even made me “Personal Shopper” cards at a young age.

As I got older I continued to share my passion by helping my friends and family with their style. When my son entered school, the other Mom’s started asking me to go through their closets and help them develop their style. One Mom asked me “why I did not charge for this and start a business” and Flair was born!

I love clothes and putting together great outfits! Creating the perfect combinations for all occasions from events to everyday errands. I love seeing my clients get so excited when we find items they had given up on and put together in great combinations and hear them say, “I would never have put that together, but I love it." Re-connecting with and refreshing your wardrobe takes away the stress of dressing and enables you to leave the house with style and confidence.

Let’s talk about your closet! Contact me for a complimentary style consultation at jill@flairshopping.com.



Follow @flairshopping on Instagram!